Unleash the untapped energy
of the people around your business

Turn the energy and actions from your customers, users and fans into business growth by rewarding them with money or a stake in your business.

That way, they become emotionally and financially committed to your business success. It’s a win-win scenario.

Fully compliant with EU and UK regulations
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Featured in

  • TechCrunch
  • TechBlast
  • Sifted
  • Authority magazine
  • TechRound

Build your business together
with your community members

KOOS guides you through all the steps of understanding, recording, analyzing, motivating, and rewarding your community.


Watch the video

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  • Bolt
  • Workfree
  • Sunly
  • Motiveer
  • Forus Taxi
  • Let's Do It World
  • Superangel
  • Rideaway
  • Firstpick

Who can benefit from KOOS?

By giving your fans and community a stake in your business's future success for their actions that help your business to grow, you will build an engaged and rewarded community.

Big Bang 2022 Winner

Startup Awards 2022

How does it work?

We help companies motivate their active community members through virtual shares, which give these people the right to be paid if – or when! – something good happens in the future. Like a big profit margin, or a successful exit.

Reward efforts
with virtual shares.

Give a stake in
the business success.

Share card

Setting up a virtual share plan includes everything from business and legal consultation, templates and plans to get going.

With only a fraction of what it would cost compared to creating binding contracts with tens, hundreds or thousands of people.

Virtual shares can be issued automatically via API or manually.

Issuing virtual shares is really easy

  • 1Community members contribute with useful actions
  • 2Company sends out virtual shares via email
  • 3The person who contributed receives an email and accepts the terms

The binding contract is done in seconds

Useful actions recorded by KOOS customers


What’s a virtual share?

A virtual share is a hassle-free tool to give your community members stake in the business to secure long term loyal relationships with them.

On top of that, virtual shares guarantee that all the virtual share-holders will receive a cash payout when a pre-defined goal is met.

Virtual share is a contract between
a company and a community

It defines the benefits of virtual
shareholders and
when they’ll get paid.

What's a virtual share image

What is community-led growth?

There is a new emerging trend that's called . In the last few years, it has quickly become an integral part of the fastest-growing companies.

Some of the world’s biggest
are using the power of
community to fuel their

Why shouldn't you?

What's a virtual share image

Add KOOS.io, and you get an extra layer of motivational rewards. Boost your growth even more by sharing the success with the core people who help your company grow.

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